When do You Need Tooth Extraction?

 Tooth extraction is a process in which the natural tooth is removed from the socket. It is a service offered by a dental professional, with two options available.

The first is simple extractions, which are performed on teeth that can be seen in the mouth, this is carried out under local anaesthetic. Surgical extractions, on the other hand, is when the tooth cannot be accessed, this could be due to complete eruption of the tooth or if the tooth is broken under the gum line. Surgical extractions are done under general anaesthetic.

Tooth extraction is usually a last resort, when there is nothing else the dental professional can do to save the natural tooth. There are numerous reasons why your dentist may recommend an extraction.

Damage Caused by Severe Decay

When tooth decay reaches the centre of the tooth, bacteria is produced, which invades the sensitive dental pulp, which can result in an infection. In this case, root canal treatment may be offered to fight the infection, but when the infection is severe, the only other choice is to remove the decayed tooth, reducing the risk of the infection spreading any further.

Periodontal Disease

Periodontal disease is a severe form of gum disease, which infects the gums, periodontal ligaments and structures that surround the teeth. In the early stages, this gum disease can be treated, but in severe cases, the only viable option may be to extract the tooth or teeth in question.

Periodontal disease is a result of bacteria in the dental plaque, regular brushing and routine dental visits can help prevent the risk of this gum disease. If ignored, periodontal disease can loosen the teeth, when this happens the only option is to remove the tooth, to restore your oral health.

Tooth Impaction

An impacted tooth is when it cannot come out, the gums don’t erupt to allow the tooth to push through the surface. This is often experienced with wisdom teeth. The impacted tooth may need to be removed in order to reduce the risk of it damaging any other teeth. Extracting the tooth can reduce the risk of overcrowding and infection.

Teeth Overcrowding

It’s not uncommon for one or more teeth to be extracted when a patient is experiencing tooth overcrowding. The patient may also be recommended to have an orthodontic treatment, due to overcrowding resulting in the teeth not being able to realign themselves due to having too many teeth in the mouth. An orthodontist will examine the mouth to identify if there is enough room for the teeth to move. Teeth extraction may be recommended if there isn’t enough space for the teeth to be straightened or realigned.


Accidents, such as a car accident, can result in a patient requiring emergency dental care in Essex. A professional dental team will try and preserve the tooth where possible using crowns, bridges and veneers, where possible. When the damage is too severe, the only option may be tooth extraction.


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