
Showing posts from September, 2021

Everything you need to know about root canal treatment - Simply Teeth Essex

  In order to know why root canal treatment is important, one first has to understand what will happen to a damaged, cracked or infected tooth that is left for too long, or without proper treatment. Root canal treatments  are required for a deep cavity, a fractured tooth caused by trauma or impact, or other dental problems caused by prior treatment. When patients discover their teeth are extremely painful, sensitive, especially to cold and heat sensations, and are showing signs of discolouration, they usually require a root canal. Tooth extraction Aside from a root canal, the only alternative is tooth extraction. If you do not seek treatment or have the tooth removed, the implications might be serious. If the bacterial infection is not treated, it can spread to the jaw, brain, blood, and the rest of the body. Which is better? When comparing both options, a root canal has a higher success rate than a tooth extraction since there are few to no long-term problems with this treatment. Dent

Causes of a gummy smile and how to fix it - Simply Teeth Essex

  The allure of an individual’s smile stems from both perception and aesthetics. When individuals seek cosmetic dental treatment because they are dissatisfied with their smiles, they likely have a real issue. Some people believe that when they smile, they reveal too much gum tissue or that their gums are too visible. Either there is too much gum tissue, or their teeth appear too small which might indicate that the teeth are not having a good visual impression on others. Gummy smiles are one of the problems that cause individuals to feel self-conscious about their smiles. Definition of a gummy smile The truth is that gummy smiles are defined by perception and so it varies from one person to another. However, it has been demonstrated that a smile is seen as gummy when approximately 4mm or more of gum tissue is visible when the individual smiles. Gummy smiles are exactly what it says: gummy. They arise when the proportions of the gum tissue, teeth, and upper jaw are out of sync. Gummy smi

Your amazing guide to Invisalign tooth straitening - Simply Teeth Essex

A few years ago, the only way to align or straighten crooked teeth was to fit them with dental braces, but fortunately, these metal braces that look very similar to train tracks, have meanwhile lost their popularity and has made way for more innovative ways and orthodontic devices that can be used to straighten teeth. How do Invisalign clear aligners differ from traditional braces? Traditional metal braces have wires, brackets, and other restrictions, that often cause discomfort and pain, while Invisalign clear aligners, are orthodontic devices that are a transparent, plastic form of dental braces used to adjust crooked teeth and they are completely removable. For some reason, people with Invisalign typically wear their aligner trays for a shorter period of time than recommended, which can extend the overall length of the treatment. As a result, traditional braces have proven more effective in cases of severe tooth misalignment, especially where the teeth are overlapping or rotated, as

Improve your smile with bonding, veneers and crowns - Simply Teeth Essex

  Who doesn’t want a sparkling white smile? Few people realise that beautiful white, straight teeth can shave off a few years and make you look younger! Even though brushing and flossing our teeth are as much a part of our daily existence as breathing, there are still other, more cosmetic ways in which we can achieve a sparkling white smile, thanks to modern dentistry. This article discusses three ways on how you can improve your appearance with cosmetic dentistry. Veneers Veneers  are a great way to enhance your smile, especially for those with discoloured or broken teeth. The advantages of veneers are that they can be applied in as little as two visits to your dentist, and the colour can be perfectly matched to the remaining teeth. The only disadvantage if it is worth mentioning, is that the teeth are sometimes shaped so that it is generally not a reversible process. However, veneers can be a life-changing, confidence-enhancing experience that will make you want to give everyone a gr

Importance and application of dental veneers

  Are you a smoker? Or do you love drinking red wine, strong coffee and tea, and eat delicious tomato pasta and chocolate? Or are you sometimes negligent when it comes to proper dental care? If your answer to these questions is YES, you are probably struggling with yellow (or discoloured) teeth, and everyone knows that yellow teeth are not exactly a confidence booster. The good news is that you have a choice – either you have something done to your stained or discoloured teeth, or you live with it. Should you, however, opt for cosmetic dentistry, modern technology has opened up the playing field and these days you can choose from different treatments to show off that sparkling white smile again. In many cases, teeth whitening agents are not the ideal solution, especially when yellow dentin, which is found under the tooth enamel, starts to show on the teeth themselves. This often happens when you brush your teeth too hard, and for too long. Another option to consider is dental veneers.