Everything you need to know about root canal treatment - Simply Teeth Essex

 In order to know why root canal treatment is important, one first has to understand what will happen to a damaged, cracked or infected tooth that is left for too long, or without proper treatment.

Root canal treatments are required for a deep cavity, a fractured tooth caused by trauma or impact, or other dental problems caused by prior treatment. When patients discover their teeth are extremely painful, sensitive, especially to cold and heat sensations, and are showing signs of discolouration, they usually require a root canal.

Tooth extraction

Aside from a root canal, the only alternative is tooth extraction. If you do not seek treatment or have the tooth removed, the implications might be serious. If the bacterial infection is not treated, it can spread to the jaw, brain, blood, and the rest of the body.

Which is better?

When comparing both options, a root canal has a higher success rate than a tooth extraction since there are few to no long-term problems with this treatment. Dentists perform root canals to treat and repair a diseased tooth, which means the affected tooth does not need to be extracted or removed.

What happens during root canal treatment?

Your dentists will perform a root canal by removing the pulp that has become infected, and the nerve in the root of the infected tooth. He will then clean and shape the interior of the root canal, whereafter he will fill and seal the area to prevent further infection.

Following that, your dentist will install a crown on the tooth to safeguard it and restore its original function. Note that root canal treatment is carried out in two sessions to ensure that the tooth is properly cleaned, sealed, and safeguarded from additional harm.

A root canal treatment usually takes anywhere from an hour up to an hour and a half for the entire visit, although more difficult procedures could take longer. There is no downtime, and you can resume your usual tasks immediately after the procedure.

Is it painful to have root canal treatment?

There is no reason why it should be painful or unpleasant, because most dentists employ the use of local anaesthetic before performing root canal treatment, to numb the tooth and surrounding soft tissue. As a result, you will not experience any discomfort during the operation. The numbness will subside after a few hours following the procedure, however, some patients might experience minor pain for a few days following a root canal, which is normal and temporary.

Why are our teeth important?

The plain reality is that our teeth play an important role and are quite vital in our daily lives. They aid our digestive system because they are used for cutting and mauling the food we eat, into smaller digestive pieces. In essence, our teeth begin the digestion process, which our bodies require to complete daily tasks. In addition, teeth are also utilised to aid with speaking.

At Simply Teeth Essex, we will ensure that infected teeth remain in your mouth where they belong, for as long as they are needed. Visit: https://simplyteethessex.co.uk/everything-you-need-to-know-about-root-canal-treatment/


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